
A Natural Year.

The collection was inspired by the simple pleasure to be had in spotting those fleeting wild signs of the changing seasons, and the comfort that also comes from their yearly constance. I love how the trees, plants and wildflowers around us can form a backdrop to the events of the year and come to be entwined with special occasions. This is a collection of paper reminders to seek out, contemplate and enjoy the treasures to be found each month, and a way to share them with others.

The cards are based around the months of the year from mid February through til December. Although many can be spotted for several months of the year, it allows for a small focus each month. Perhaps these cards will form part of a regular handwritten correspondence, each marking the time of year it was sent, or the beginning of a small paper collection. Most of all I hope they encourage you to find pleasure in discovering the small and fleeting seasonal changes which can so easily go unnoticed.


Each of the 42 designs from the Natural Year collection is also available as a post card. They come in monthly sets or as a full year 42 card box set, which also contains an index which you can use as a spotters guide tick sheet. The post card collection combines my love of two things - nature and paper collections. I find beautiful postcards pleasing to collect, I think we are drawn to treasuring small things and paper ephemera lends itself well to this, perhaps because it reminds us of collecting those packs of tradable cards when we were little! I wanted the postcards to be somewhere between a picture book, a spotter’s guide, a hoardable collection and paper decoration. Along with of course also being a vehicle for notes and correspondence. How you use them is totally up to you! Whether you prop them up on shelves as seasonal decor or keep them for your own field notes to refer to next year. You might add them to gift wrap or simply send them on to brighten someone’s day with a flower. Having a tangible, collectable collection of the year’s nature was the primary goal.


Using the artwork and descriptions from the collection, a range of A5 prints emerged. Laid out like bookplates from the old naturalist books that I enjoy so much, they make a lovely addition to desk space, child’s room or garden room.


I hope you enjoy this collection of nature inspired papers, and that they may provide for pleasing correspondence, and an appreciation for seasonal treasure spotting!